János Tóth

Senior Customs Manager

János has 30 years of experience in the field of customs. He started his career at the Customs and Finance Guard of Hungary where, within a short period, he has been serving on the fields giving the trinity of determination the amount of customs duties namely Tariff, Origin and Valuation at the Customs and Tax Department of the former Headquarter, predecessor of Customs Department of Central Management of National Tax and Customs Administration in the last 27 years. He is considered as an approved expert of these three professional fields. During his career he was representing Hungary in the different international fora of Customs Administrations almost 20 years in the EU Customs Code Committee and at the World Customs Organization as well. He was the member of the Customs Tariff Committee which is supervising applications concerning tariff suspensions and quotas lodged in Hungary. He was also an external expert of DG Translation of the European Commission.

János’ knowledge of customs in our office is given a special role in the management of submissions to the customs authorities and representing clients before the customs authorities.

János pays special attention to analyse professional questions about tariff classification and obtaining of originating status, trade policy measures, binding information and customs and trade compliance issues.