Tax Controversy

Tax Controversy

In their struggle to secure and increase tax revenues, tax authorities are becoming more rigorous in their tax audits and investigations due to the complex regulations and differing interpretations. Taxpayers, although making their best efforts to comply with all requirements, are not able to meet all legislative requirements.

In the case of tax authority audits, for successful outcomes, taxpayers need to take the necessary steps over time, communicate with the tax office in appropriate ways and through, properly designed strategies. Applying well-developed tax argumentation is of decisive importance. This, however, requires specific technical knowledge and expertise. Involving a tax professional in such procedures may result in faster closure of the audit and significant reduction in tax consequences and procedural costs.

Our services

  • Estimation of the chances, consequences and costs of the dispute with tax authorities
  • Development of tax argumentation and strategy to be used during the tax procedure
  • Preparation of submissions to the tax authority (declarations, observations related to minutes of tax audits, requests for guidelines, appeals, etc.)
  • Representation in tax procedures
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